The abstracts for the upcoming Eurovalve congress are now available for review, offering valuable insights into the cutting-edge research and development.

We thank every participant who submitted their researches!


Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Electrocardiogram Model for Screening of Bicuspid Aortic Valve.

Manuel Alejandro Montoya Hernandez
Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, Liu Kan, Malini Madhavan, Hector I. Michelena


Results of minimal invasive aortic valve replacement.

Adam Kowalówka 
Konrad Mendrala, Tomasz Kargul, Radosław Gocoł

Electrocardiographic features of mitral annulus disjunction in the context of myxomatous mitral valve prolapse, and impact on clinical outcomes: A multimodality imaging study.

Sahrai Saeed 
Vishaldeep S. Judge, Wasim Daanyaal, Terje H. Larsen, Thor Edvardsen, Eivind Solheim

Four faces of Infective endocarditis – Cases where the Extended Endocarditis Team helped to bridge the grey areas of the ESC Guidelines.

Ali El-Shamy 
Patrick Man, Gayatri Vijapurkar, Baher Hanna,  Attila Kardos

Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Electrocardiogram Model for Screening of Bicuspid Aortic Valve.

Manuel Alejandro Montoya Hernandez
Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, Liu Kan, Malini Madhavan, Hector I. Michelena

Predictors of successful tricuspid transcatheter edge-to-edge repair: data from the FUTILIDAD-IT registry.

Capolongo A.
Fernandez-Galera R., Hiram Hernandez-Pineda A., Rivas J., Galian L., Gonzalez V., Vallejo N., Solsona J., Calabrò P., Rodriguez Palomares J.

Early results of minimally invase aortic valve replacement via partial sternotomy or right thoracotomy: insights in acute kidney injury.

E. Squiccimarro
V. Margari, G. Kounakis, G. Visicchio, C. Carbone, D. Paparella

Combined Endoscopic Valve Surgery And Coronary Artery Bypass Via Mini-Thoracotomy.

Vito Margaria
Enrico Squiccimarro, Giuseppe Visicchio, Georgios Kounakis, Clemente Pascarella, Carmine Carbone , Domenico Paparella


Virginie JABES

Virginie JABES

Project manager

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